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Dr. Carmen Poulin
Department of Psychology
University of New Brunswick

Kristina Hobson

MSc Candidate in clinical Psychology at Acadia University
Research Assistant

Main Research Interest: Romantic relationships and Human Sexuality


In addition to working as a research assistant for both Carmen and Lynne, I also completed my undergraduate honours thesis under their supervision.  My project examined the experiences of gay servicemen in the Canadian Armed Forces.  In particular I addressed the complications of military communal living, medical issues in the military and basic training.  These military specific phenomena benefit the institution, but hinder daily living for gay servicemen.   

This fall I will be entering the Master of Science program at Acadia University, pursuing a degree in Clinical Psychology.  I will be working under the supervision of Dr. Diane Holmberg, pursuing my research interests surrounding romantic relationships.  Specifically, my thesis work will consist of a diary study investigating the role of adult attachment styles and their role in dyadic coping within close relationships.  

Following completion of my Master’s degree I hope to pursue my PhD in Clinical Psychology, eventually leading to a career in Academia.  I hope to teach and pursue my research interests in addition to part time clinical work in couple’s therapy.   
Journal Articles 

Byers, S. E., Henderson, J., & Hobson, K. (in press). How do university students define sexual abstinence? The Archives of Sexual Behavior. 

Conference Presentations 

Hobson, K., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2007, May). The institutional marginalisation of gay servicemen in the Canadian Armed Forces. Paper presented at the Atlantic Provinces Council on the Sciences 31st Annual Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Sackville, New Brunswick 

Hobson, K., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L., (2007, April).The institutional marginalisation of gay servicemen in the Canadian Armed Forces. Paper presented at the University of New Brunswick Undergraduate Honours Conference, Fredericton, New Brunswick

© 2008 C.Poulin