Current Research
In collaboration with colleagues and students, I have the following projects that are
- Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Canadian Military
with Lynne Gouliquer, CD, MA, PhD candidate in sociology, McGill
University - Contact Researchers
- The Everyday Life of Female Correctional Officers
with Freda Burdet, PhD candidate in clinical psychology - Contact Researchers
- The Coordination of Community Responses to Abused Women Living in Rural New
with Dr. Deborah Doherty, Public Legal Education & Information Service of New Brunswick,
& Dr. Jenny Hornosty, Sociology, UNB - Contact Researchers
- Biographical Research on Feminist Psychologists in Canada
Contact Researchers
- Cultural Frame Switching
with Dr. Elaine Perunovich & Kristen Olsen Contact
For more information on the research that I am involved with
and supervising please see the information provided about our
research group.