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Dr. Carmen Poulin
Department of Psychology
University of New Brunswick

Jessica McCutcheon

BSc Candidate major in Psychology
Research Assistant

Main Research Interest: Marginalization of women in the military

Secondary research interests: Conceptualization of Premenstrual Syndrome.

I am a currently working on my Bachelor of Science with a major in Psychology. I did my basic research under the supervision of Carmen Poulin and Lynne Gouliquer. In my first term I examined the marginalization of women in the military, comparing the experiences of lesbian and heterosexual servicewomen. For my second term, I focused on the conceptualization of the Premenstrual Syndrome, specifically how it is thought about among university students. The summer between my third and fourth year university I worked as a research assistant in Carmen and Lynne's lab. Next year I will continue under the supervision of Carmen and Lynne for my Honours Thesis.

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