| Background
After 16 plus years of service, I retired from the Canadian Armed Forces in 1995. The military is and probably always will be a big part of who I am. Indeed, as you will see, my research represents a combination of my military experience and academic interests.
I began my university studies at Saint Thomas University where I completed my Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Sociology in 1995. My thesis was titled: “The Needs and Issues of Military Wives: A Case Study of Women’s Grassroots Struggle and the State.” My supervisors were Drs. Marilee Reimer and John McKendy. Following my studies at St. Thomas, I completed my Masters in Sociology at McGill University under the supervision of Dr. Peta Tancred. For my Masters, I remained focused on the Canadian Armed Forces but examined the historically invisible and marginalised group - lesbian soldiers. My MA Research Paper was entitled “A Menace to the Gender Order: The Management of Lesbian Sexuality in the Canadian Military.” I am now working on my PhD in Sociology at McGill under the supervision of Dr. Suzanne Staggenborg. For my dissertation, I am examining Canadian Forces female soldier’s experiences and integration.
In addition to my dissertation, I have been collaborating with Carmen on a longitudinal research project investigating the experiences of LGBT soldiers and their partners and the Canadian military. In part, this project was inspired by my MA research, and started back in 1997. It is currently ongoing. We have completed over 120 interviews and we are moving into the analyses and the writing phases.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & Moore, J. A. (submitted March 2008). Discharged for Homosexuality from the Canadian military: Health Implications for Lesbians. Feminism & Psychology.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & Hobson, K. (In progress, 2008). Health and the marginalisation of gay soldiers in the Canadian military. Health Sociology Review.
St.Pierre, M., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2005). Homosexual identity development in the context of the Canadian Forces: Organisational influences, schematic responses, and coping strategies. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 46:2a, 200.
Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (In progress). A Feminist Psycho-Social Ethnography of the Commonplace. International Journal of Qualitative Research or Cultural Psychology. Authorship order was determined randomly.
Gouliquer, L. & Poulin, C. (2005). For Better and for Worse: Psychological Demands and Structural Impacts on Gay Servicewomen and their Long-term Partners. In D. Pawluch, W. Shaffier & C. Miall (Eds.) Doing Ethnography: Studying Everyday Life (pp. 323-335). Canadian Scholars' Press. Authorship order was determined randomly.
Gouliquer, L. (2004). Ask and tell [Review of the books, Officially gay: The political construction of sexuality and the US military, and Don’t ask, don’t tell: Debating the gay ban in the military]. The Women’s Review of Books, XXI (8), 22-3.
Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2004). Symposium: Translating Theory into Methodology: The Intersection of Sociologies and Psychologies. Canadian Psychology/ Psychologie canadienne, 45:2a, 135.
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., Brazier, B., Hughes, J., Brazier, B., Arseneault, R., MacAulay S., & Thériault, L. (2004). Keeping it Confidential: A struggle for Transition Houses. In M. L. Stirling, N. Nason-Clark, A. Cameron, B. Miedema (Eds.) Understanding Abuse: Partnering for Change (pp 87-110). University of Toronto Press: Toronto.
Poulin, C. & Gouliquer, L. (2003). Part-time disabled lesbian passing on roller blades or PMS, Prozac, and essentializing woman’s ailments. Women & Therapy, 26, (1/2) 95-108. Authorship order was determined randomly.
Gouliquer, L., (2001). Introduction: Women and the Canadian Military Special Collection. Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, 26, (1).
Gouliquer, L., (2001). What Gay Servicewomen can tell us about the gender order. Proceedings of Feminisms Challenge the Traditional Discipline: A Colloquium in Honour of Peta Tancred. Montréal, Québec: McGill Centre for Research on Teaching and Women.
Gouliquer, L., (2000). Negotiating Sexuality: Lesbians in the Canadian Military. In B. Miedema, J. Stoppard, & V. Anderson (Eds.), Women's Bodies/Women's Lives: The Social and the Material (pp 254-276). Toronto: Sumach Press.
Gouliquer, L., (2000). Pandora's Box: The Paradox of Flexibility in Today's Workplace. Current Sociology, 48, (1), 29-42.
Poulin, M.B.C., Ross, L., Gouliquer, L., Fox, B., Thériault, L., Arseneault, R., Wuest, J., Merritt-Gray, M., Root, A., & Flowers, L., (1995). An evaluation and summary of the accumulated Monthly Reporting Form: Usage of New Brunswick Transition Houses. Fredericton, NB: Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research.
St. Pierre, M., Poulin, C., & Gouliquer, L. (2005). Homosexual identity development in the context of the Canadian Forces: Organisational influences, schematic responses, and coping strategies. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) convention, Montréal, QC. (June 9-11).
MacAulay, S., Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., Brazier, B., Hughes, J., Brazier, BB., Arseneault, R., & Thériault, L. (2004). Transition house workers’ promises of confidentiality: A political and practical struggle. (October 14-15).
Roxborough, H., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2004). Military investigations for homosexuality: Psychological, physical, and social impact on lesbian servicewomen and their partners. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, NB. (October 7-10).
Poulin, C., Gouliquer, L., & Harvey, J. (2004). Lesbians in the Canadian military: Identity, self-disclosure, and individual adjustment. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, NB. (October 7-10).
Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2004). A feminist psycho-social ethnography of the commonplace. Canadian Psychology Annual Convention, St. John’s NL. (June 10-12).
Roxborough, H., Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2004). Military investigations for homosexuality: Psychological, physical, and social impact on lesbian servicewomen and their partners. Canadian Sex Research Forum, Fredericton, NB.
Gouliquer, L. (2003) Post-1992: The Canadian Military and Homosexuality. Invited Guest Speaker at Experiences of Foreign Militaries Roundtable. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: 10 Years Later Conference, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York (September. 18-20).
MacAulay, S Poulin, C., Brazier, B., Hughes, J., Gouliquer, L., Brazier, B., Arseneault, R., & Thériault, L. (2003). Confidentiality and transition houses: Institutional violence against women. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) convention, Hamilton, Ontario.
MacAuley, S. Poulin, C. Brazier, Bette. Hughes, J. Gouliquer, L., Brazier, Bev. Arseneault, R. & Thériault, L. (2003). Victim Blaming: Pervasive Schemata Of “Legitimate Victims” And “Illegitimate Victims” Qualitative Analysis Conference, Carleton University (May 21-24).
Gouliquer, L. (2002), The Advancement of Women in the Canadian Military: A Test of Human Capital Theory. Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society, Kingston, Ontario (October 25-27).
Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2002). Examining Institutional Moments and Cognitive Schemata in the Everyday of Canadian Military Lesbians and their Long Term Partners. Invited Guest Lecture, University of York, Department of Women’s Studies, York, United Kingdom (April 22).
Gouliquer, L. (2001). “All is Fair in Love and War! The Dilemmas of Soldiering for the Nation and the Ordinary Canadian Soldier.” Presented at the Social Sciences and Humanities Congress for the CSAA session, Social Justice: Reflections on the Changing Character of Social Inequality and Political Change, Laval University, Quebec City, (March 27-30).
Gouliquer, L., & Poulin, C. (2001). “For Better and for Worse: Psychological Demands and Structural Impacts of the Military on Gay Servicewomen and their Partners in Long-term Relationships.” Presented at Qualitative Annual Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario (May 16-18).
Gouliquer, L. (2000). “Gaining Institutional Access for Research Purposes: The Tribulations and Successes.” Brown Bag Seminar, Department of Sociology, McGill University (October).
Gouliquer, L. (2000). “Have You Ever Thought About Prozac? Prozac, PMS, and How We Think About Women’s Ailments.” Paper presented at the Social Sciences and Humanities Congress for the CSAA Session, Sociology of Disability, Edmonton, Alberta (May).
Gouliquer, L., MacAulay, S., & Transitions of Women in Abusive Relationships Research Team (2000). “Folio Views a Qualitative Software Program? Some of the Pros, Cons, Frustrations and Joys.” Paper presented at the 17th Qualitative Analysis Conference University of New Brunswick & St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB (May).
Brazier, B., Poulin, C., MacAulay, S., Gouliquer, L., Brazier, B., Arseneault, R., Hughes, J., & Thériault, L. (2000). “Applying the Concept of Reliability to Focus Group Data.” Paper presented at the 17th Qualitative Analysis Conference University of New Brunswick & St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB (May).
Gouliquer, L. (2000). “Using Folio Views for Qualitative Research.” Invited presentation: Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB (February).
Gouliquer, L. (2000). Women in the Canadian Military: Examining the barriers. Invited presentation: Department of Sociology, McGill University, Montréal, QC (February).
Gouliquer, L. (1999). “What Gay Servicewomen Can Tell Us About the Gender Order.” Feminisms Challenge the Traditional Discipline: A Colloquium in Honour of Peta Tancred on her Retirement. Montréal, QC (October).
Gouliquer, L. (1999). “A Menace to the Gender Order: The Management of Lesbian Sexuality in the Canadian Military.” Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Sherbrooke, QC (June).
Gouliquer, L., Poulin, C., Arseneault, R., Brazier, B., Brazier, B., Thériault, L., Hughes, J., & MacAulay, S. (1999) “The Ins and Outs of Qualitative Research: A Community/Academic Collaborative Perspective.” Qualitative Analysis Conference, Fredericton, NB (May).
Gouliquer, L. (1999). “The Gender Order in the Canadian Military: Contesting the Boundaries of Sexuality.” Invited Presentation: Department of Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB (March).
Gouliquer, L. (1999). “Awesome OSSOMM: Military Wives Take on the Canadian Armed Forces.” Invited Presentation Gender Studies Week, St. Thomas University, Fredericton, NB (March).
Gouliquer, L. (1997). “Negotiating Sexualities: Lesbians in the Canadian Military.” CRIAW Conference, Our bodies/Our lives, Fredericton, N.B (November).
Gouliquer, L. (1997). “Note-Taking for Focus Groups: Techniques and Tips.” Invited Presentation, Transitions of Women from Abusive Relationships Research Team, Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research Fredericton, NB.
Gouliquer, L. (1996). “The Needs and Issues of Military Wives: A Case Study of Women’s Grassroots Struggle and the State.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Learned Societies Congress, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ont (June).
Gouliquer, L. (1995). "Institutional Ethnography: A Qualitative Research Methodology.” Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre on Family Violence Research, Fredericton, NB.
Gouliquer, L. (1994). "The Gap Between Volunteer Service Providers and the Law: The Perspective of Sexual Assault Crisis Line Workers.” Women in Law Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB.
Gouliquer, L. (1994). “Gênero, mulher e pacifismo (Women and Pacifism).” Nücle de estudos interdisciplinares sobre a mulher, Universitade de Bahia, Salvador, Brazil (May).
Gouliquer, L. (1991). “Women in Non-Traditional Employment: The Costs and Benefits.” Invited Presentation, Psychology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B.