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Dr. Carmen Poulin
Department of Psychology
University of New Brunswick

Melissa St. Pierre

BA, Honours in Psychology, UNB, 2005

MA/PhD Candidate in Applied Social Psychology, University of Windsor

Research: Intimate partner abuse in same-sex relationships

I am currently completing my MA in applied social psychology (community/health psychology) at the University of Windsor (Ontario), under the supervision of Dr. Charlene Senn.  My MA thesis explores the barriers to help-seeking for individuals being abused by a same-sex partner.  The following barriers to help-seeking are of particular interest: access to general (e.g., hospital) and same-sex sensitive (e.g., GLBT counselor) services for people living in rural and urban Canada, and experiences of minority stress (e.g., degree of outness). 

I completed my honours thesis under Carmen Poulin and Lynne Gouliquer's supervision. My thesis is entitled "Homosexual identity development in the context of the Canadian forces: Organizational influences, schematic responses, and coping strategies." I sought to examine the formation of a homosexual identity within the context of the Canadian military. Whether or not the 1992/1996 policy changes (allowing homosexuals to serve in the military and providing same-sex common law status) in favour of gay and lesbian soldiers and their partners influenced homosexual identity development was further taken into consideration.

© 2008 C.Poulin